Wil Johnson
Welcome to where we belong! At-homish is my brain child of how to make everyone feel like they are at home no matter where they are. Living in Western Washington is now my homish. I look forward to sharing how this became my form of home and what you can do to bring belonging to your communities, families, workplaces, and schools.

My Story
Wil brings almost 30 years of experience in team building, leadership, conflict management, and
delivery of instruction across various fields to his current work. He has filled numerous roles which
included teaching while in the army, supporting students in college preparation programs, coaching
debate and football, serving as a special education teacher, behavior interventionist, education, equity,
and communication consultant, and as a district level administrator serving multiple schools and
communities. Wil is also the creator and host of the At-homish Podcast where the content and
conversation centers on creating spaces where we belong.
As a bridge-builder and coach, he believes his true calling is helping people get from where they are to
where they want to be. He is currently serving the Snohomish School District as the Director of Equity
and Inclusion. In this role, he works to ensure that our schools and greater community are safe and
welcoming for each and every student while also working to provide access to supports and resources to
reach their goals in public education and beyond.