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Where We Belong

Welcome to At-homish, where we create spaces to belong. We are here to learn how we can be inclusive and equitable to create spaces where we belong.

headshot of Wil Johnson talking into a microphone

Educational Storytelling

Hear from Wil and guests about how equity and inclusion is important for creating spaces of belonging. Join the discussion on creating an environment welcoming to everyone and learn a different perspective.

At-homish merchandise on a table

Merch that Belongs

Join the At-homish movement and show that you create spaces where we belong by wearing it loud and proud. 

Leadership EQ logo


Bring belonging to your classroom, community, or workplace with diversity, equity and inclusion training from Leadership EQ. Wil provides years of experience to make your spaces where everyone belongs.

Get in Touch with Wil

I look forward to connecting and creating spaces for belonging!

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